Saturday, February 14, 2009

Into Bondage we Go

"In a major victory for President Barack Obama, Democrats muscled a huge, $787 billion stimulus bill through Congress late Friday night in hopes of combating the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Republican opposition was nearly unanimous."

My random rant.

Well, comrades, we just had one more step towards Marxism. To think that an average American taxpayer, such as myself, who has worked hard to get out of the poverty I grew up in, finally does, and pays his own way through life, now has to submit to the socialist state when it comes to my healthcare (just for starters), and who knows whatever else they did sneak into the bill at the last minute. It is sad. I pay for my own healthcare and am not subsidized by the federal government, yet the Feds will now be able to dictate what I and my family can receive as healthcare.

Thank you to all of you unthinking and uncaring liberal Democratic cult members that decided to screw the rest of us so you could have your big warm and fuzzy "we voted for change ha ha" moment. You are testament to the degrading values of our once great society. You are all so wrapped up in this so-called "historic" moment you have lost your senses. You cared more about "winning" than you did about what was good for the country.

Obama got the bill he wanted. The man stood before a Raleigh crowd and laughed off the being labeled a socialist. I guess he was right. He is much worse. He will sign this disgraceful, useless bill that is nothing more than something to be used as toilet paper.

Thank you to the Republicans who forgot why the people put you in power to begin with. You did a great job at becoming nothing more than Democrats. You forgot that Democrat starts with a D, not an 'R'. Why vote for nothing more than a misspelling of the same diarrhea, when you can have the real thing. The libertarians are the only ones who have it right.

I hope you enjoy the fruits of your labor when you take your child to the doctor and they tell you no that they can no longer decide what is best for your kids, that an idiot in Washington will decide what your kids treatment will be. It is all for the good of the commonwealth. And, of course, those of you on Medicare are screwed as well.

I think about my poor mom who is in a wheel chair near the end of her days, who has Multiple Sclerosis and a number of other health problems that accompany that. I see the governments handiwork with her Medicare, and it is pathetic. She is a shining example of the failed government healthcare plan. She has no access to treatment that could make her better. The government refuses it. She went to the hospital critically sick, and the kicked her out after a few days because of limits.

We will all be subject now to rationing of healthcare, no matter who you are, or whether you pay your own way or not. But it is just the beginning of their 3-part episode to take control of everything. They have given us a heads-up already. It's coming and it has a multi trillion dollar price tag. They have used this recession as a means to buy up you unthinking morons with all new and freshly printed money they will soon have. We will once again see inflation and high interest rates. We will see higher taxes, higher unemployment, and lower salaries.

Thank you to all the losers out there that can't exercise fiscal responsibility. To all the poor out there that decided they were entitled to a house, new cars, plasma T.V.s and of course Blue-Ray DVD players, iPods, and much, much more. Yes, thanks for leaving that burden of your selfish recklessness on myself and my children. I loathe your very existence, as I now see it as more damaging than the ridiculous CEOs and their salaries and bonuses.

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer because they keep doing the things that got them there. I never wanted to be rich, but I recognize the need for the rich. I don't envy what the rich have, nor do I chastise or demonize them for it. I thank them for the opportunities they have given me in the many start-up companies I have worked for. I thank them for taking the risk with their dollars and either investing in the companies I have worked for or directly starting up ventures, in my career that allowed me to use my talents and skills to create something. The rich take on the biggest risks, but everyone else seems to think they do not deserve the biggest rewards. Well, they will not risk their money anymore, and fuel for capitalism will fade away for some time, spawning even more unemployment.

America will be reminded, once again, what suffering is, and maybe we deserve it. I can only hope that we will eventually come out on top in the end, after people once again realize that these policies being invoked do not work. It seems every couple of generations forgets more history (as our public school system likes to conveniently leave it out of the books), as to what made this country great to begin with. We have forgotten what our founding fathers were trying to do for us. Why they imposed restrictions on government, not the people. Why our constitution limits the powers of the Federal government, and empowers the States to govern themselves. Washington has wiped its tail with that document, and Americans are ready to lie down and let it happen. They have exceeded their authority and have now laid the pathway to fascism and tyranny.

My wife, who is an immigrant (legally entered the country and went through the process of citizenship), came from a Communist country. She understands what it really means. She told me one day before Obama was elected, that she believed that America will do the right thing. That the world sees America, even amongst all the negativity, as the shining light of hope to people who want a better life. She has since then retracted her statement. She sees America now as misguided and confused. That people do not understand the mistakes they are making. That the things that gave others in the world hope are fading away. She didn't like the war in Iraq anymore than anyone else, but she knew that war was not that by which America is judged. It was freedom.

"From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage"

Where do you think we are now?