Friday, July 29, 2005

Gun Manufacturers now shielded from Lawsuits

Well, the United States Senate has voted 65-31 on a bill which will protect gun manufacturers from being sued by victims of gun related crimes. Makes perfect sense to me. The gun manufactures do not commit the crime, they do not encourage the crime, they do not have anything to do with the crime. Punish the criminals.

I am sure the lawyers are all up in arms, as this blocks them from exploiting another opportunity to back the courts up with frivolous lawsuits, and filling their own pockets at the expense of others.

Now, I own 1 gun, and it doesn’t even work. It was handed down to me by my grandmother when she died. It was my grandfather’s, so I keep it for sentimental value. I personally do not like guns, but I recognize every citizen’s constitutional right to own guns. I am a firm believer in the “guns don’t kill, people kill” philosophy. So this type of legislation is a good thing, as it keeps stupid lawsuits out of the courts. I just wish more of this stuff could be passed.

Perhaps, we could get the Senate to vote on a measure that would Shield restaurants from lawsuits from people who burn themselves with hot coffee. Note that I said burn themselves. Hot coffee is hot folks. I guess some people missed that memo.