Thursday, July 07, 2005

British terrorist threat a lie?

Well, we've seen the terrible pictures in the news. We've seen the destruction and the suffering that is taking place, right now, in Britain, as a series of terrorist bombings have taken place London. Michael Moore would probably say that there is no terrorist threat in Britain, that it is a lie. I guess what we are seeing and reading in the media is all a hoax, just like 9/11. 9/11 must have been a good hoax, coz I was in NYC 2 weeks ago, and I noticed the World Trade Center towers were missing. It must have been a David Copperfield job.

Well, there is a real terrorist threat, in America and all over the world. Mr. Moore knows this, and accept its. Why do I say this? Because Mr. Moore is capitalizing on the weak minded liberals. His books, movies, articles, are full of misrepresented facts and lies that play on those liberals world wide. He irresponsibly spins the facts and information, and reports, what I call, factfiction. Mr. Moore is a very intelligent man, and he knows how to play to his audience. He knows what his audience wants to hear, and he is not above lies and deception to reach more readers, watchers, and listeners. Those are the people who are making him rich. The people who can not form their own opinions, but need people like Moore to feed them their opinions. He knows it, he takes advantage of it.

The Bush Administration has been a big boost to Mr. Moore's economic success. The liberals in this country hate Bush so much that they will spend their money on almost anything that is anti-Bush. Anyone who is anti-Bush, with some creativity and modest effort, could probably rake in a few hundred thousand dollars easily.

Anyway, the terrorist threats in this world are real, and today's bombings in London are a grim reminder of how evil some people can be. Unfortunately, this will blow over quickly and people, like our politicians, will return to their superficial arguing over unimportant issues, and ignore the big issues because they are afraid to take any action towards resolution. Most politicians are afraid to make any real decisions, making them terrible leaders.

Terrorism is not going to go away, until we kill as many of them as possible and make the terrorist afraid of us. Thank god we at least have a president who realizes that. Sure terrorist are not afraid to die, as they, in many cases, commit suicide attacks. But they have fear. Every human has fear. The key is discover and exploit that fear.

The liberals all talk about how we need the rest of the world to work together, that the U.S. and Britain should not go at this alone. Well, they are right. We are just waiting for the rest of the world to wake up and get behind us.

To the people in Britain, I give my condolences for any suffering and losses that you may have suffered. I surely hope those involved in these terrible acts will be brought to justice and receive the most extreme punishment the law will allow.

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